by GODF | Oct 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
Bullocky, bush poet and blacksmith teenager Joey Reedy, of Wallabadah, with his jersey bullocks in the parade at the Good Old Days Festival, Barellan. Image Kim Woods At 16 Joey Reedy is already an accomplished bush poet, blacksmith and bullocky – he reckons he is...
by GODF | Oct 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
Clancy Paull with his rare British WWI water cart on display at the Good Old Days Festival at Barellan. Image Kim Woods A rare British World War I horse drawn water cart restored after five years of diligent research made its debut at the Good Old Days Festival at...
by GODF | Oct 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
Former Olympic swimming champion Shane Gould meets ploughing champions Gracie and Major at the Good Old Days Festival at Barellan. The red dust at Barellan is a long way from the sparkling water of a pool but former Olympic swimming champion Shane Gould was taking a...
by GODF | Oct 2, 2023 | Uncategorized
Noel Wiltshire, left, with his three mules Christen, Longro and Willywonka, at the Good Old Days Festival at Barellan. The sight of a mule team in harness pulling a wagon is a rarity in modern Australia and the species took its place for the first time against the...
by GODF | Oct 2, 2023 | Uncategorized
Eight-year-old goat teamster Abby Parrott, Anna Bay, NSW, with the inaugural Little Teamsters Trophy at the Good Old Days Festival at Barellan. Images Kim Woods A tiny goat handler outshone the nation’s most experienced horse, bullock, camel and donkey teamsters in...
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