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Unique tribute to pioneers by Bruce awarded with Disability Advocate award
Raising $150,00 over the past decade for motor neurone disease awareness and research has resulted in Bruce Bandy receiving the Disability Advocate of the Year at the Narrandera Shire Australia Day Awards.
Straight from the red centre with wild camels to win at the nation’s teamsters capital
A 5000km round trip with a B double load of camels paid off for Northern Territory cameleer Chris Hill when he was announced as the winner of the most prestigious trophy in the nation at Barellan on October 6.
Records tumble as teamsters pull out all stops at the Good Old Days Festival at Barellan
Records tumbled at the 2024 Good Old Days Festival as teamsters from around the nation brought out the biggest horse, camel and bullock teams ever seen in modern Australia.
Barellan does it again with a world first combo of horses, camels and bullocks in harness
A world first – four bullocks, two camels and two horses, harnessed together and pulling a wagon, was the result of a few beers around a campfire by the nation’s leading teamsters at the Good Old Days Festival.
Bronze statue gives a nod to the horse that built a nation
A life-sized bronze statue of a Clydesdale paying tribute to the role the draught animal played in the nation’s history has been unveiled during the 2024 Good Old Days Festival.
Teamsters follow their passion in an effort to educate on our pioneering history
In a first for southern Australia, leading teamsters from around the nation outlined how they handle their horse, bullock, camel, donkey and mule teams in a Q&A session at the Good Old Days Festival.
Good Old Days Festival
Mobile: Fiona Kibble 0447 736 856
ABN: 98 238 287 221