Our Attractions

One of the Riverina’s most unique festivals, the Good Old Days, is a tribute to the nation building teams.

The working draught animals represented in the tribute are Clydesdales, Australian Draught horses, bullocks, camels, donkeys, mules and goats.

The program includes a Furphy Festival, camp oven under the stars, live music, market stalls, sheaf tossing, camel races and rides, blade shearing, cow milking and butter churning.

Visitors can also see working yard dogs, dog jump, rope making, animal nursery, a working blacksmith, Clydesdale weight pull, whip cracking, grand parade and a tribute to the Light Horse.

Visitors can enjoy poetry and a bush breakfast on the Saturday and Sunday mornings, scones made in a wood fired oven and the Festival’s own Barellan Beer brewed using locally grown barley.

There are ring events on Saturday for horse exhibitors, a ploughing contest, bullock cueing (shoeing), whip and rope making, and blade shearing.


Exhibitors InfoVisitors Info

Authentically celebrating our nation's pioneer heritage in:








Good Old Days Festival

Email: barellanclydesdales@gmail.com

Mobile: Fiona Kibble 0447 736 856

ABN: 98 238 287 221